iFX EXPO Asia 2018, jointly hosted by Finance Magnates and Conversion Pros, is one of the largest financial B2B expos in the world which, this year, is expected to welcome upwards of 30,000 attendees and over 1,000 exhibitors according to its organizers.
Advanced Markets, the industry’s leading Prime of Prime and wholesale provider of liquidity, technology, and credit solutions to banks and brokers, is once again exhibiting at the iFX Expo. We invite you to stop by our booth, #84, to discuss the solutions that can help grow your business in 2018, as well as looking at the recent regulatory changes and how best to navigate them.
This year*, we are presenting a workshop “How does one value an FX Brokerage should you decide to buy or invest in one? What premium should you pay?”
Natallia Hunik, Global Head of Sales at Advanced Markets, will discuss the acceptable methods for valuing an FX business and the available approaches under each method. We will also touch upon when each method is appropriate and review some of the recent transactions.
The Workshop will take place on January 24, at 13:00-13:30, Workshop Room.
*Missed our Workshop and would like to receive a copy of the Presentation? Please, complete the form and we will email it to you: