Advanced Markets (Bermuda) Ltd.
      Advanced Markets:

      List of Trading Instruments​​

      Unauthorized Access
      Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.


      FX Majors

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDUSD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURUSD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPUSD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDUSD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCAD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Minors

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDCAD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDNZD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURAUD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCAD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURGBP100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNZD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPAUD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCAD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNZD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCAD100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCHF100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDJPY100000500Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Exotics

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SEKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SGDJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCNH10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDHKD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      ZARJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10


      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XAUUSD100200Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05
      XAGUSD5000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05


      SymbolInstrument NameContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XBRUSDBrent Crude vs US Dollar1000100Monday 01:05 - Friday 21:55-
      XNGUSDNatural Gas vs US Dollar1000050Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-23:05
      XTIUSDWest Texas Intermediate vs US Dollar1000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5621:55-23:05

      Cash CFDs

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      EUSTX501200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      GER401200Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-22:10
      HK501200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:558:55-9:10/ 21:55-22:10
      JPN22510200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5506:55-07:10/ 21:55-22:10
      NAS1001200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      SPA351200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      SWI201200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:15-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      UK1001200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      US301200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      US5001200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      USBKT1200Monday 01:15 - Friday 21:4521:45 - 01:15
      COFFEE1 unit (10,000lbs)200Monday 09:15 - Friday 18:3018:30 - 09:15
      COPPER1 ton200Monday 01:02 - Friday 18:5918:59 - 01:02

      Future CFDs

      Symbol Instrument Name Contract Size Leverage Trading Hours (GMT)** Daily Break Time (GMT)***
      GER40Z3 Germany 40 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      NAS100Z3 US Tech December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US30Z3 Wall Street 30 December Futures Contract -Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US500Z3 US 500 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      CLX3 Crude Oil November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/17/2023 1000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      GCZ3 Gold December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/22/2023 100 200 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      NGX3 Natural Gas November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/23/2023 10000 50 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      SIZ3 Silver December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/23/2023 5000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05

      *Please note that during non-market hours (when the underlying market is closed), spreads tend to be wider than normal. When the underlying
      market is closed due to a market holiday, trading may still be available, however, with wider pricing than usual.

      **All December Futures Contracts will expire on December 14, 2023, there will be no automatic rollover into the next contract.
      Any position that is not closed by 21:00 GMT on December 14, 2023, will be closed at the discretion of Advanced Markets.

      ***Next front month Futures Contracts will be accessible for trading usually two weeks prior to the previous contract’s expiry.

      ****The current NGV3 contract will be closed at EOD tomorrow (EST).

      SymbolInstrument NameContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      BCCUSDBITCOIN CASH120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      BTCUSDBITCOIN120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      ETCUSDETHER120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      LITUSDLitecoin120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      RIPUSDRipple120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05


      FX Majors

      SymbolContract SizeLevarageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDUSD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURUSD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPUSD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDUSD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCAD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Minors

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDCAD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDNZD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURAUD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCAD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURGBP100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNZD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPAUD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCAD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNZD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCAD100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCHF100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDJPY100000200Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Exotics

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SEKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SGDJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCNH10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDHKD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      ZARJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10


      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XAUUSD100200Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05
      XAGUSD5000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05


      SymbolInstrument NameContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XBRUSDBrent Crude vs US Dollar1000100Monday 01:05 - Friday 21:55-
      XNGUSDNatural Gas vs US Dollar1000050Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-23:05
      XTIUSDWest Texas Intermediate vs US Dollar1000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5621:55-23:05

      Cash CFDs

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      EUSTX501200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      GER401200Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-22:10
      HK501200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:558:55-9:10/ 21:55-22:10
      JPN22510200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5506:55-07:10/ 21:55-22:10
      NAS1001200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      SPA351200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      SWI201200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:15-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      UK1001200Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      US301200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      US5001200Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      USBKT1200Monday 01:15 - Friday 21:4521:45 - 01:15
      COFFEE1 unit (10,000lbs)200Monday 09:15 - Friday 18:3018:30 - 09:15
      COPPER1 ton200Monday 01:02 - Friday 18:5918:59 - 01:02

      Future CFDs

      Symbol Instrument Name Contract Size Leverage Trading Hours (GMT)** Daily Break Time (GMT)***
      GER40Z3 Germany 40 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      NAS100Z3 US Tech December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US30Z3 Wall Street 30 December Futures Contract -Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US500Z3 US 500 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 200 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      CLX3 Crude Oil November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/17/2023 1000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      GCZ3 Gold December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/22/2023 100 200 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      NGX3 Natural Gas November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/23/2023 10000 50 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      SIZ3 Silver December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/23/2023 5000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05

      *Please note that during non-market hours (when the underlying market is closed), spreads tend to be wider than normal. When the underlying
      market is closed due to a market holiday, trading may still be available, however, with wider pricing than usual.

      **All December Futures Contracts will expire on December 14, 2023, there will be no automatic rollover into the next contract.
      Any position that is not closed by 21:00 GMT on December 14, 2023, will be closed at the discretion of Advanced Markets.

      ***Next front month Futures Contracts will be accessible for trading usually two weeks prior to the previous contract’s expiry.

      ****The current NGV3 contract will be closed at EOD tomorrow (EST).

      SymbolInstrument NameContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      BCCUSDBITCOIN CASH120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      BTCUSDBITCOIN120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      ETCUSDETHER120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      LITUSDLitecoin120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05
      RIPUSDRipple120Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:4521:45-22:05


      FX Majors

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDUSD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURUSD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPUSD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDUSD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCAD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Minors

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDCAD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      AUDNZD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CADJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURAUD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCAD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURGBP100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNZD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPAUD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCAD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNZD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCAD100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDCHF100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NZDJPY100000100Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10

      FX Exotics

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      AUDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      CHFSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      EURZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      GBPSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      NOKSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SEKJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      SGDJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDCNH10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDHKD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDNOK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDPLN10000020Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSEK10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDSGD10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDTRY10000010Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      USDZAR10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10
      ZARJPY10000050Sunday 22:10 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 22:10


      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XAUUSD100100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05
      XAGUSD5000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55 - 23:05


      SymbolInstrument NameContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      XBRUSDBrent Crude vs US Dollar1000100Monday 01:05 - Friday 21:55-
      XNGUSDNatural Gas vs US Dollar1000020Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-23:05
      XTIUSDWest Texas Intermediate vs US Dollar1000100Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:5621:55-23:05

      Cash CFDs

      SymbolContract SizeLeverageTrading Hours GMTDaily Break GMT
      EUSTX501100Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      GER401100Sunday 22:05 - Friday 21:5521:55-22:10
      HK501100Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:558:55-9:10/ 21:55-22:10
      JPN22510100Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5506:55-07:10/ 21:55-22:10
      NAS1001100Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      SPA351100Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      SWI201100Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:15-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      UK1001100Sunday 22:00 - Friday 20:5515:25-15:40/ 21:55-22:05
      US301100Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      US5001100Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:5520:55-21:10/ 21:55-22:10
      USBKT1100Monday 01:15 - Friday 21:4521:45 - 01:15
      COFFEE1 unit (10,000lbs)100Monday 09:15 - Friday 18:3018:30 - 09:15
      COPPER1 ton100Monday 01:02 - Friday 18:5918:59 - 01:02

      Future CFDs

      Symbol Instrument Name Contract Size Leverage Trading Hours (GMT)** Daily Break Time (GMT)***
      GER40Z3 Germany 40 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 100 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      NAS100Z3 US Tech December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 100 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US30Z3 Wall Street 30 December Futures Contract -Exp 12/14/2023 1 100 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      US500Z3 US 500 December Futures Contract - Exp 12/14/2023 1 100 Sunday 23:00 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 22:10
      CLX3 Crude Oil November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/17/2023 1000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      GCZ3 Gold December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/22/2023 100 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      NGX3 Natural Gas November 2023 Futures - Exp 10/23/2023 10000 20 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05
      SIZ3 Silver December 2023 Futures - Exp 11/23/2023 5000 100 Sunday 23:05 - Friday 21:55 21:55 - 23:05

      Stock CFDs

      SymboleDescriptionCommissionDeviseTaille du contratMargeHoraire du marché (GMT)
      AAPLUSApple Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00 Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CSCOUSCisco Systems Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      INTCUSIntel CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      METAUSMeta Platforms Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      MSFTUSMicrosoft CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      NFLXUSNetflix Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TSLAUSTesla Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      ABNBUSAirbnbPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      ADBEUSAdobe Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      ATVIUSActivision BlizzardPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BIDUUSBaidu IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BYNDUSBeyond MeatPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CAKEUSThe Cheesecake FactoryPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CGCUSCanoby Growth CorporationsPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CMCSAUSComcastPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CMEUSCME Group IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      COINUSCoinbasePas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      EAUSElectronic Arts IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      EBAYUSeBay Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      GOOGUSAlphabet Inc. - Class CPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      HOODUSRobinhoodPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      KHCUSThe Kraft Heinz CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      LIUSLi AutoPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      LYFTUSLYFT IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      MRNAUSModerna PharmaceuticalsPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      NVDAUSNvidia CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PEPUSPepsiCo Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PYPLUSPaypal holdingsPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      QCOMUSQualcomm Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      SBUXUSStarbucks CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TLRYUSTilray Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TMUSUST-Mobile Us IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TRIPUSTripAdvisor Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
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      UALUSUnited Airlines Holdings IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      WBAUSWalgreens Boots Alliance Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      AXPUSAmerican Express CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BABAUSAli Baba Group Holding LtdPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BAUSBoeing CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CUSCitigroup Inc. Common StockPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      GMUSGeneral Motors CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      JNJUSJohnson & JohnsonPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      JPMUSJP Morgan Chase & Co.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
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      PFEUSPfizer Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      VUSVisa Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      XOMUSExxon Mobil CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BACUSBank of America CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      BRKBUSBerkshire Hathaway IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00 Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      DALUSDelta Air Lines IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      DISUSWalt Disney CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      FDXUSFedEx CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      FUSFord Motor CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      GEUSGeneral Electric CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      GMEUSGAMESTOP -Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      GSUSGoldman Sachs Group Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      HONUSHoneywell International Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      HPEUSHewlett Packard Enterprise CoPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
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      IBMUSInternational Business MachinesPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      KOUSThe Coca-Cola CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
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      ORCLUSOracle CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PGUSProcter & Gamble CompnayPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PLTRUSPalantir Technologies Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PMUSPhilip Morris International Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      SHOPUSShopifyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      SLBUSSchlumberger N.V. Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
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      TOTUSTotal S.A.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TUSAT&T Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      UBERUSUber Technologies Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      UPSUSUnited Parcel Service IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      VZUSVerizon Communications Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      WMTUSWalmart Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TTWOUSTake-Two Interactive Software IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CATUSCaterpillar Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      CLUSColgate-Palmolive CompanyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      FTCHUSFarfetch Limited Class APas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      HDUSHome Depot Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      HLFUSHerbalife Nutrition Ltd. Common StockPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      MOUSAltria GroupPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      MUSMacy's Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      PINSUSPinterest Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      TGTUSTarget CorporationPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      ETSYUSEtsyPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      EXPEUSExpedia Group Inc.Pas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00 IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      NEOUSNeo GenomicsPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      SNDLUSSundial Growers IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      ABTUSAbbott LaboratoriesPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      DXCUSDXC Tecnology CoPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      FDPUSFresh Del Monte Produce IncPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      RCLUSRoyal Caribbean Cruises LtdPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      RYUSRoyal Bank of CanadaPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00
      SIUSSilvergate Capital CorpPas de commissionUSD110%Lun 14h30 - Ven 21h00

      Holiday Trading Sessions

      Below are the market hours for the upcoming October 2023 Hong Kong Holidays, National Day and Chung Yeung Festival.


      Monday, October 2nd, 2023 National Day, HK
      HK50 Closes: 21:55 Friday, September 29th, 2023 (GMT) Opens: 23:10 Monday, October 2nd, 2023 (GMT)
      Monday, October 23rd, 2023 Chung Yeung Festival, HK
      HK50 Closes: 21:55 Friday, October 20th, 2023 (GMT) Opens: 23:10 Monday, October 23rd, 2023 (GMT)

      FX, Precious Metals and Energy Products, Futures, Cryptos

      Normal Trading Hours

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